Tag: downline
Training the New Network Marketing Distributor: Laying Down a Track To Run On ñ Step 1 of 3
Most people who get into a network marketing program want things to happen quickly. Initial presentations usually touch on the way money can be made, and the numbers often look staggering. What most of those initial presentations donít explain is how difficult it is to get started and to acquire the skills needed for success in network marketing.
For many new distributors, this is their first venture into network marketing. They are unsure about how to begin and often are tentative in their initial approaches. That can be the ìkiss of deathî for a presentation. After all, who wants to go into business with someone who is not sure about what they are doing?
To be successful in network marketing, new distributors need to learn from someone who is already successful. When new distributors know how to proceed, they can build their downline with confidence. Only one person in a hundred is a ìself-starter.î The other 99 will require that you invest time into their success, and show them how to begin.
There are three steps to building your downline:
1. Laying Down A Track to Run On
2. Being a Good MLM Sponsor
3. Working Depth With Your MLM Downline
Today, letís talk about the first step, i.e.
Step 1 — Laying Down A Track to Run On
Making sure your downline has a ìtrack to run onî means they must first learn about the company:
ï facts and information about the management team;
ï product features and benefits;
ï compensation plan and how you make money;
ï enrolling prospects and order processing;
ï who your upline is; and
ï developing their presentation portfolio.
In addition to the above, having a track to run on involves knowing how to:
ï develop effective communication skills, i.e. to speak with people in a way that reduces tension, neutralizes objections, and increases participation;
ï use tools (e.g. websites, CDs & DVDs, newspapers, brochures, etc.);
ï promote home meetings, regional gatherings and conventions;
ï share information with warm and cold market, leads, referrals;
ï edify upline leaders; and
ï conduct an effective 3 way call.
When you sign up a new distributor, immediately have them make a list of ten prospects. Then, you should send each of those prospects some company information and a short note stating that you are sending the information to them at the request of a mutual friend. If you have an informational website, include the URL in your letter. After the information has gone out, have your new distributors follow up with their prospects and set up a three-way call.
When you do this, you (1) get your new distributors to immediately begin building their organization, (2) get sponsor and distributor working together, and (3) your new distributors will know what to do when they sign up someone, i.e. exactly what you have done for them! This stimulates business and creates tremendous momentum in the downline.
Sounds simple, but many sponsors violate this strategy. If itís done right, and your new distributors see how easy your success is to duplicate, you will find that them running on that same track, teaching their downline how to get started. Youíll see business builders emerging, and thatís when your business will really take off.
How To Build a Duplicating Downline
Regardless the controversy that the term Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) or Network Marketing brings to mind when mentioned in a conversation, the success of such an industry cannot be denied at the moment.
The long existence of multitudes of MLM organizations is a wonderful indicator that network marketing is here to stay and flourish. As such, additional people are trying to join the bandwagon, building their own MLM .
But, a lot of people are completely misguided or misinformed resulting into the collapse of several network marketing businesses. True that it is difficult to maintain multi-level marketing that could proliferate well, but undoubtedly there is one key component for a network marketing organization’s success, and that is a duplicating downline.
Most people do not know how to build a duplicating downline, but hopefully with the tips to be presented, one may be able to gather a well generating force that almost immediately translate into a productive MLM business.
Multi-level marketing certainly entails leadership, specifically when building a downline. Since building a downline is only another designation for the recruitment process, great people management skills is important in order for the downline to operate well, and thus duplicate.
A lot of people think that network marketing is a self-generating business, but if that was the case, then no MLM organization would have had failed. Downlines certainly not duplicate on their own, even if the product being marketed is perfect. The people in the downline are to be trained and mentored well or else the business would take no direction and would lastly fall flat.
The person on top of the downline may be able to sign multitudes, but that does not guarantee duplication. Without a clear direction, the network would not expand towards success, but instead be paralyzed. The ones on top may easily put the blame on the ones at the bottom, but who recruited the people down there anyway’ Managing a multi-level marketing organization entails a lot of generosity and selflessness.
Duplicability is after all not just the expansion of people in number, but the duplication of the success throughout all the people in the downline.
It is a sad fact in human life that a lot of people think only for themselves. The people on top could think only of their success and see the ones under as nothing but machines to propagate the success. But that cannot happen in multi-level marketing.
In order for the top to succeed, the bottom should be able to succeed as well. When building a downline, one should have a mindset that allows the success to trickle downwards, and not just to remain on top.
The founder of the network marketing organization should be very conscious that what he or she was able to do, the people in the downline could do perfectly as well. There should be no secrets within the organization for the downline to duplicate.
The topline should be able to share and teach the downline the same philosophies and techniques so that the success of the top could be replicated by people in the downline.
Building a duplicating downline actually means duplicating one’s self. This means that when building a downline, one does not just inform people how to sell, rather, one influences or even infects others with one whole self, well at least just the business component of one’s self.
When building a downline, one has to transmit the psyche of the top to the bottom, the bottom should be able to act in the same way as the ones on top.The downline ultimately becomes one with their organizer or founder, they should be able to share the same dreams, anxieties and hopes so that the success that the ones on top experienced would be replicated by the ones on the bottom.
This speaks a lot about the recruitment process itself. True that is hard to enlist exact copies of the founder, but one has to carefully enjoin individuals who have the capacity to act and think in the same wavelength as the recruiter.
In this light, the leader of a network marketing organization should reflect and see how the connection with the downline, or the prospective downline is. First one has to be sure if the people in the downline could relate with the leader and vice-versa. Duplication is unachievable without proper relation. Second, the leader should act in a way that is not so alienating to the downline, otherwise they might think too highly of the leader that they might assume they would never be able to be like him or her.
Again a duplicating downline should have a duplicable top. With this in mind, building a duplicability can be ensured as well as the success of the business.
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Simple and powerful, yet often overlooked strategies to expand your network marketing business.
Network Marketing is an excellent way for the “average Joe or Jane” to make an extra income. This business concept has been around for decades, and it will not disappear any time soon. The reason for its popularity is simple… It Works! It does however, require lots of work and most importantly, dedication and persistance to get the job done. The best part is, once you are able to set up a solid network, your business becomes MUCH less time intensive. Almost like going on “autopilot”. The key is to get there as fast as possible.
Here are just a couple of tips I have found to be helpful in maximizing your Network Marketing Business:
1. Use your products regularly. This is Number 1 for a reason, this is the most ignored part of ANY network marketing business. How do you expect your business to succeed if you will not even use your own products? It does seem silly to even have to bring this up, but there are many who are not using their own products, and wonder why they are not making any money. Make a commitment to use your products for a year, and see where your business goes.
2. Educate yourself constantly. This is very important! You must rid yourself of negative ideas, sometimes referred to as “stinkin thinkin”. This can be done in a variety of ways. I recommend reading at least 15 minutes a day, but try to shoot for 30. Business and self-help books are a great way to start. Don’t forget your Multi-level magazines, as they are full of tips and advice. Lastly, listen to cassette tapes on multi-level tips from top earners in your business.
3. Spend as much time as possible with your upline. Your upline should have only one goal in mind, To Help You Succeed! They are a vast source of knowledge and information. Mingle with top distributors in your group, or other groups, and ask how they made it. Most everyone should be more than happy to provide you with excellent tips and advice.
4. Present your products and marketing plan personally to at least one person daily. Remember above when I said you are going to have to work, well here it is. Now here is the key, the prospects to whom you present your plan, do not have to be yours personally. Show the plan for your downline, and not only will you create “security” by placing members in your downlines’ downline, it will also give you a boost in your personal income! I can guarantee if you were to follow this rule for 6 months, you would create a downline with enough width and depth to create an income to sustain you and your family for life.
5. Care for your downline. An entire book can be written on this topic. Usually, it’s the little things that show you really care. Try to maintain regular contact, and always praise your distributor’s accomplishments. You can even offer incentives for specific achievements, such as money, travel, recognition, or other rewards, to help motivate your group.
6. Duplicate yourself by making distributors independent of you. This will help to multiply your time, thus making you and your group more effective. Always lead by example. Never stop recruiting, training and retailing. Remember the KISS formula – “Keep It Simple, Sweety” I know, I know, I changed the last word, but it maintains the meaning. This can be done my conducting simple, brief, yet dramatic presentations, and teaching your downline to do the same.
7. Create a large customer base. This is another largely ignored, yet very important, piece of your network marketing business. Many try so hard to build a huge downline, that they forget how much profit they could also make by selling their products to retail customers. Some people will just not want to become part of your downline, no matter how great a product/system you may have. This does not mean they will not be personally interested in your product. Try to make everyone your customer. Once you earn their trust, they will come to you more, and perhaps even join your downline later. Always “leave the door open”, as people’s needs do change.
8. Focus on your customers needs. You must give customers more than they expect, and always satisfy your customers complaints immediately. Try to listen 80% of the time, and talk only 20%. As stated above, your customers can be a huge source of future referrals and/or business. You must earn and maintain their trust. Once you have their trust, you can always ask for referrals, which leads to even more business and a larger downline.
9. Set daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals – and Write Them Down! You may have heard the expression, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Breaking up a larger goal into smaller easily attainable goals, is the key to success. You cannot just jump to the end, you have to make progress everyday. Writing them down is another largely ignored, important tip to help you succeed. A goal is just a “passing thought”, or “wish” until you put it in writing. That is when it becomes concrete and real. It is also a great idea to keep a business journal of your daily activities, as it will help you to become more productive and time-conscious.
10. Get Out There And Do It Now! All of the knowledge in the world is useless and unprofitable, until you put the most important ingredient of them all in place. This “secret” ingredient should come as no surprise at all, but this is the #1 reason for failure at anything in life. It is ACTION! Remember, knowledge is useless without action.
Following these steps will almost give you immediate results. Thank you for reading this, and I truly hope this has provided you with valuable information to help you and your business grow and succeed.
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