Tag: people

Will I make money online?
This is the number one question people ask when they are looking for profits on the internet. Will I make money online? 95% of the people who start to look for ways to make money online fail eventually. The classic story is – start looking for information then a flood of misleading information hits you and you drown. You will try this then try that but fail at all of them and soon you will quit. Just to find yourself in that old crumpy day job you wanted to run away from to begin with. Today I will try to stop this and do a little mind arranging and show you one door to success.
I am not intending to prattle here and waist your time, lets get directly to the point. Making money online is actually based on one simple very basic formula:
Find a hungry crowd-> Find what they want -> Give it to them
Thatís it there you have it, in a nut shell the whole internet marketing big philosophy purified in one short sentence.
OK, you think to yourself this is real nice but how do I manage all this? I will give you one way, among endless ways, to your success today. But before that you must remember the most important thing in internet marketing: What ever it is you choose to do, keep doing it and doing it and doing it. Do not jump from one program to another program, failing them all. Choose one path and keep moving forward, for this is the only way you will ever, manage to make money online.
Now letís break the formula into few basic steps you can start performing today.
Find a hungry crowed
You must find what people are searching for to be able to supply it. This is the ìWhat should I sell online?î question everyone asks. Technically you can use search engines and find popular search terms ñ but remember to look for something people want but not too popular. Another way is using any free keyword suggestion tool, simply look for these exact words, to find what people are looking for online.
Find what they want
Now you now what people are looking for but what will you give them? Letís say that you have found that people are looking for solution to some medical problem, you can give them information on how to solve their problem or products: pills, instruments, etc.
One more sample: if they are looking for ways to keep their dog from barking, give them a book which tells them exactly how they should train their dog. Finding what they want is all about finding specific solution to a certain problem.
Give it to them
Now you think: I have to look for what people need, find out what can solve their problem and then give it to them. But how will I find it? I donít have it at home, or at my car. Should I start create solutions? Writing a book? Build a real sophisticated machine? No you donít!!! This part is actually taken care for you, along with the entire customer handling.
The answer is Affiliates programs. They are free to join. And you will find almost any thing you can think of. They take care of creating, shipping, and customer support for you. All you need is to bring home the hungry crowd in because dinner is already served!
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Marketing to Marketers
Marketing to other marketers to make it easier to make money is great but many of the buyers never use the products and just try to pawn them off on other marketers. So you wind up with all these people selling scripts, programs, eBooks, and more to other online marketers and they profess how great they are without ever using them. They are just trying to make a buck as an affiliate of someone else’s idea.
I am all for new marketing ideas especially the ones that automate tedious tasks. I love submitting articles and use an auto submitter. RSS feeds provide news to my sites. Automatically creating links to Clickbank items based on keywords in my blogs is a godsend.
But, to me, if people donít use these products and just pimp them to others, they are missing out on the long term benefits for a quick buck.
I admit that I have done this in the past and may do it again in the future ñ but ñ I only sell products that I actually use and approve. That way I can actually vouch for them since I have used them and can speak from personal experience.
Personally, I prefer to market to the average Internet Joe. I market to people who are looking for a deal on a credit card (and I use a super script to keep my site current). I recommend hotels in Thailand and can speak from first-hand experience. I post links to hotels in Thailand forums and also have 6 Thai affiliate hotel sites.
I also write articles about Thailand and list my hotel affiliate links in the author’s resource box. These are pretty easy to write since I have been traveling to Thailand for over 30 years.
I also write the occasional marketing or credit article to get some traffic to those sites. I have about 10 article sites and advertise on those sites that others submit their articles to.
I would rather make a few bucks marketing a product to people who are actually going to use it instead of marketing to someone who is only going to try to sell it to someone else.
All of this is just my personal opinion. There is nothing morally wrong or illegal of marketing to marketers. I use many of the items that are up for sale, especially those that make my life a little bit easier.
The one thing that I do object to is the folks that market to others and make false or misleading statements indicating that they use the product and how wonderful it is when they have never used it and just want to make a buck.
Anyhow, keep coming up with all those great products that marketers can use to make our lives easier. Just market them honestly.
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Super Bowl Advertising And Marketing For Perfection
With Super Bowl ads running at almost $3 million for 30 seconds, you need to be perfect.
The game kicks off in about one hour and we have already seen some of the high-priced ads. Here are my comments on how the big guys do it.
#1. Pepsi. Pepsi has an outside-the-box ad. The ad is done by two deaf guys trying to find out where Bob’s house is. It is done completely in sign with sub-titles. This is a first. We will see if this is labeled “offensive” even if the National Association of the Deaf approved it.
#2. Budweiser. A perennial mainstay. Wouldnít be a Super Bowl without Bud and all of their commercials.
#3. Miller Lite. Bud’s main competition that seems to always be poking fun at Bud.
#4. GoDaddy. GoDaddy is always controversial which gets them the most publicity. You may see racier ads at their web site.
#5. P&G. Proctor and Gamble will air its first ever Super Bowl commercial featuring Tide.
#6. Vitoria’s Secret. Marketing lingerie with hot chicks to guys makes sense to me.
There are more and I will post another article after the game.
Some comments in general.
Sex, humor, and music still sell. Well, it sells to a primarily male audience.
More companies are linking their TV ads to their web site.
Companies can get away with more on their web site. FCC rules donít apply.
If it worked before, use it again.
Stars give credibility (to an extent).
Market to your audience (in this case, mainly males).
This is the only show that people actually wait in anticipation for the commercials.
Pepsi has coined a new term ñ different abilities ñ as opposed to disabled or challenged.
30 seconds cost almost three million, but these ads will be all over the Internet forever for free. Some ads are already at YouTube before the game started.
Marketing to 90 million people would be considered by most to be the greatest opportunity to get your product noticed. We will see who makes it big with the best Super Bowl ads.
OK. It is almost game time. I’ve got my sandwich, chips and dip, cold beer, and some cashews. I will be cheering for the New York Football Giants since I love an underdog.
Use the power of Super Bowl advertising to get some ideas on how to market your web site. Hopefully, for a lot less than 3 million dollars for Ω minute.
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