Tag: mentoring

Success Or Statistic?
Which one will you be in network marketing?
The truth is the odds are against you; chances are youíll be a statistic.
Hmmmmm bet the super star space commander upline guru that signed you up or wants to sign you up told you that did he/she?
Here are a few stats that may alarm you:
Did you know that 70,000 people sign up into a network marketing company EVERYDAY?
But did you know that 95% of the people that sign up into a network marketing company will quit within the first year?
Well there are a lot or reasons, poor support, poor company, poor product, poor compensation plan, poor upline. But to me one of the biggest reasons isÖ
Most people have been lied to from the get go.
Many of the people who are recruiting people into companies (hate that term recruiting) are lying to people and telling people what they want to hear so they will join their company.
Now on one had you canít blame many of these people, thereíre just doing what they were taught by the person that signed them up, and thatís usually some person with the recruit, recruit, recruit mentalityÖthose are the people I blame.
Hey the great news is you DONíT have to be a statistic. You just need to be taught the correct way of building your business, but first you need to know some of the lies youíll probably be told or already have been told.
My first and favorite lie:
Make a list of your friends and family because thatís who were calling first.
Hey upline line guy, are you crazy? Thatís the last thing, no thatís what you NEVER do. Because of this one lie there are thousands of people that have been shunned by their families.
Your friends and family members turn off the lights and pretend thereíre not home when the see you coming. Ring any bells?
By all means share your product or service with your family and friends but not the business opportunity. Many of your friends and family members are NOT looking for a business opportunity, the truth is most of your friends and family are going to spend more time discouraging you then helping you. But donít get mad at them they think thereíre protecting you, ignore them and build your business.
Let them come to you, once you become successful in your business, your friends and family will notice and then theyíll ask you what youíre doing.
Hereís a tip. This is your business and you DONíT want everyone in your business that includes your family and friends. Only share your business opportunity to people who have raised their hand to you and say. ìIím interestedî or ìShow me what youíre doingî.
Lie number two;
Recruit, Recruit, Recruit. You need to make a 100 phone calls a day and remember for every NO you get youíre one step close to a YES.
I would love to track down the putz that said this. Let me ask you a question.
How many times do you like hearing the word NO?
How much do you like being on the phone every day hearing the word NO?
I think itís safe to say, ìYou donít like it very muchî
The word NO has taken so many good people out of this business. Here is an example my mentor shared with me and it really hit home for me.
Duffy youíve set up candles, soft music some good wine a great dinner a bit of hugging and kissing then your spouse says ìNOî. All right just 99 more times and youíll get lucky.
That put things into perspective for me real fast.
Did you know that 90% of the population is sales resistant, no wonder youíre hearing the word NO so much.
And some knucklehead sayís NO is a good thing. Moving on.
Lie number 3,
If you have no warm market you need to spend money and buy leads.
WRONG!! You DO NOT have to buy leads. Personally youíre just wasting your money. Thereíre people spending hundreds of dollars every month for leads. STOP IT!!!
Remember a bought lead is a bought lead. I donít care if you paid $5 or 5 cents a lead is a lead. When you call these leads chances are they donít remember what forum they filled out or the person gets upset because you called them.
Once you truly understand that people are not numbers, they have goals and dreams just like you. And theyíre real people. And just like you they donít want to be lied too and just like you they want a true opportunity to fulfill those dreams and goals. If you get just this youíll go very, very far in this business.
Network marketing is a Relationship Business NOT a Sales Business. As soon as you understand that youíll have people saying to you ìPLEASE sponsor me into your businessî
Until then youíre DEAD in the water.
I have NEVER bought a lead with my network marketing company and I donít spend 10 hours a day making phone calls, I have people contacting me everyday asking me about my business.
If you had people calling you how do you think your lead calls would turn out compared to you calling people? Please tell me I donít have to answer that for you.
For those of you buying leads stop wasting your money, prospects are everywhere.
I have tons of ways of getting leads for free, but hereís one tip that will reveal prospects to you everyday.
First LISTEN to people, thatís the most important thing you need to do. Youíve heard this ìOne mouth two earsî Listen twice as much as you speak.
Ok how do you determine if someone is a prospect?
Letís say you have a company that provides a nutritional product that helps with weight loss. And now lets say youíre talking to someone and they are complaining about how they canít lose weight.
All you have to say to this person is this: ìHave you ever thought about doing something about itî?
If they say ìYESî you have a prospect, depending on the time and place this person has just given you permission to provide them with a presentation of your product. You could give them your business card, send them to a web site or provide them some brochures about your product. Or ask them for there contact info so you could send them some info later.
If the person says ìNOîÖyou say, ìOKî.
THEY ARE NOT A PROSPECT, REPEAT NOT A PROSPECTÖ forget about them, move on and keep listening.
This is just one-way thereíre lots of other ways to find prospects. The point is you never have to buy leads to find prospects.
Itís a shame that so many lies are being told just to get people into a business, just because the rest of the world is doing it doesnít mean you have to. Tell people the truth, listen to them and truly hear what they are saying. Build relationships; help a person, thatís how you build a business.
If you can help them GREAT if not thatís ok too. Not everyone is suited to fit into your business; and you would be a fool to think so.
Personally I would rather have 10 people that wanted to be in my business and that I told the truth to from the get go, then a 100 people I told what ever they wanted to hear so they would join my business.
Until Next Time
To Your MLM Success

Strategies For Successful Business Networking
There are a variety of organizations that run networking groups across the country. The largest group is probably BNI, which offers members the chance to attend weekly meetings and develop new professional relationships to help them grow their business. some chambers of commerce are now organizing “leads groups” for their members as well. These groups are intended to offer members a way to connect with each other and potentially refer each other business.
In most “leads groups” each group allows no more then one representative from any industry, so if the group has a mortgage broker other mortgage brokers have to join another group or wait for the seat to open up. The idea is that by restricting membership, you eliminate competition within the group.
The agenda at most structured networking meetings is pretty straightforward. Each member is given an opportunity to introduce themselves, then there is a short presentation by one or two members (each member gets the chance eventually). The meeting ends with members discussing potential referrals for each other. This means that most of the members get about one minute to present who they are and teach the other members of the group how to refer to them.
Most people do a great job of presenting themselves. However, most people do not think to ask for referrals. At most networking events, you are not expected to ask for a referral or explain what a good referral for you is. However, at a leads group it is not only acceptable, it is expected!
I am involved in a number of networking groups and have used the simple outline below to create my elevator pitch (quick introduction). When I deliver my elevator pitch to a leads group, my goal is to educate everyone in the room about my company and what I do, as well as to teach them the best way to refer others to me. In addition, I want to make sure I actually ask for a specific referral. I will go through each piece of the outline in detail, but here are the basics.
* Introduction
o Name
o Position + company name
o Location of the company
o Overview of services
* Tell a story
* Call to action
The introduction piece of your presentation should stay the same every time you give it. You might say something like, “My name is Joe Smith. I am mortgage broker at ABC mortgages in Anytown, USA. We offer a full line of residential and commercial mortgage products.” You can add some additional detail, but you should really focus on keeping this short and on point.
At each meeting, you will have the chance to differentiate yourself from the competition by telling a short story during your presentation. The story can be related to a specific challenge you helped a client overcome, a unique feature of your product or service, or you can simply talk about a new development at your company. Consider writing out your stories in advance so you know what you are going to say at each meeting. In addition, you can schedule the content so that the other members of your group learn more and more about you at each meeting. You need to focus on educating your group a little more each week.
The “call to action” is very important and the piece that most people overlook. You need to tell the other members of your group exactly what type of referral you are looking for. For example, our mortgage broker, Joe Smith, might say, “Today a good referral for me would be a Realtor at XYZ real estate company.” Joe may also say, “Today a good referral for me would be anyone who purchased their home more then 10 years ago.”
I alway recommend that your “call to action” is as specific as possible. If Joe stands up and says that a good referral would be anyone who needs a mortgage, the rest of the group will have a harder time thinking of people to refer. If Joe asks for an introduction to a specific person at a specific company, someone in the group may know that person or know someone at that company who can facilitate Joe’s introduction. The more specific the request, the more likely it is to trigger someone else in the group’s memory.
A last minute hint:
Keep focused on the networks of the people in the group, not on the people themselves. In other words, when you are participating in a networking or leads group, you should not focus on gaining the business of the people at the table. Instead, you should focus on gaining their trust so that they will refer you people in their network.

So you want to be a millionaire?
Who doesn’t…
I come across so many people that say “I’m going to make a million dollars in network marketing”. I have conversations with people telling me how they’re going to become millionaires.
That’s great I’ll help you reach that goal every way I can.
But you know what?
Not everyone is going to make a million dollars in network marketing… and that’s ok.
Most people’s lives would change with an extra $500 or $1000 a month.
If you’re in network marketing the opportunity is here to become a millionaire.
let’s talk about that for a second.
To become a millionaire in network marketing is going to take lot of WORK.
Yes, you can do it in the shortest amount of time compared to other business opportunities but you still have to WORK…
But you work smart not hard.
And the cost for start up is minimal.
But it still takes WORK!! no matter how you cut it.
To become a millionaire in network marketing you’re going to have to do things differently.
What do I mean? One of my mentors Michael Dlouhy told me this.
“Duffy if you want more, you’re going have to become more”.
That made a lot of sense to me.
So what if you’re not going to make a million dollars a year in network marketing?
Look I’m not saying you’re not going to make a million dollars, but let’s say it’s not in the cards or that’s an amount you can’t relate to. (Lots of people can’t relate to earning that kind of money)
How much do you make now?
I’ll go with the average and say $30,000. Everything is ok, sometimes it’s a struggle but you get by, but things could be better.
Imagine doubling your income. Can you imagine earning $60,000 per year?
Sure you can.
So if you didn’t make a million dollars a year but you’re making $60,000 in network marketing would you consider yourself a failure?
But let’s say your better at this then you thought and you’re earning $100,000 to $150,000 per year.
Would you consider yourself a failure?
Do you think you could have a pretty good life earning that amount each year?
Man if you’re earning that kind of money from network marketing. You’re winning trips, vacations, getting deals on conventions or even winning trips to your companies conventions, your winning shopping trips, bonus money, car programs, free product or services.
The things many people have to spend money on such as trips, vacations, products, services and cars. You’re could be getting them from your company for a lot less or even free, because of your ranking in your company.
The life you may want may be a lot closer then you think.
Tell me, if you made $100,000 to $150,000 per year in network marketing you’d be a very happy camper, yes?
Tell me you wouldn’t, I dare ya.
I believe in you!!
Until Next Time
To Your MLM Success

I Know What Color You Are !!!
There are 4 color personality types. Red, Blue, Green and Yellow.
In a nutshell knowing what the different color personalities people have means you’ll understand people better then they understand themselves.
At this point this tells you nothing. No worries it didn’t mean anything to me when I first heard about personality colors. But man I wish I knew about this years ago, it would have saved me a ton of aggravation.
Everybody has a color type. And with that color type we act in a certain way. Certain things are important to us. We like to be talked to in a certain way. We like and dislike certain things.
Take me for example. Lets say you were calling me as a potential prospect.
What if you knew how I liked to be talked to? Knew what was important to me. Knew what I didn’t like. Knew what I liked. Knew if I was over sensitive. Knew if I needed support. Knew if I like to have fun.
Knew if I would be teachable. Knew if I was money motivated. Knew if I would be a leader. Knew if I was creative. Knew if I needed all the facts and figures…. I could go on and on.
What if you knew all this information and soooooooo much more about me after only talking to me (anyone) for only a few minutes and then gained more and more insight to me the longer you talked to me?
Do you think this would impact your business and your personal life in a positive way?
If I have to answer that for you…honestly click away and go play a video game you’re just wasting your time. (Sorry about that I had some guy tell me he saw no value in this. Gee no wonder he’s not achieving all the success he could be.)
But for everyone else who sees the power of this. Would you not agree you’d have an unfair advantage on everyone else?
I can give you a brief overview of the four different personality colors. There is much more to learn but this will give you a good idea of the power of knowing color personalities. (They’re in no particular order)
First there is Yellow. Yellow’s make up 35% of the population and are open and indirect with their feelings. They are the best at using both sides of their brains. They are relationship and family orientated, logical, analytical and teamwork is very important to them. Their voice is soft and gentle and speak in relaxed tones.
Yellows have jobs like teachers, social workers usually any nurturing job. They like giving back to others. They don’t like pushy people, aggressiveness, sudden change or animal cruelty.
Some of their weaknesses are. They are over sensitive, take things personally and will buy other peoples excuses.
Talk to a yellow slowly and relaxed and let them know they are appreciated.
Next is Blue (that’s me). Blues make up 15% of the population. Blues are open and direct with their feelings. Very right brained, talk fast, very creative, must have fun doing things. Strong on family and relationships, spontaneous and enthusiastic.
Blues have jobs like sales (of any kind), singer songwriter anything that is creative.
They don’t like not having fun they don’t like facts and figures or being sold.
Their weaknesses are being unorganized, scattered and poor savers.
When you talk to a blue focus on fun, talk about excitement. Never try to sell a blue.
Next is Greens. Greens make up 35% of the population. They are indirect and self-contained with their feelings. Right brained, very logical, and analytical. Precise and need to have all the facts and figures. They are savers. Organized, task orientated and accurate. Let’s get the kids to college. And they’re the best negotiators.
Some of their jobs include, engineers, accountants, CPA, professor. Anything to do with logic and reasoning.
They don’t like pushy people. Not having all the facts and figures. Not being on time, aggressiveness. Get depressed easily and are hard to please.
Some of their weaknesses are, they over analyze everything (to death). Hard to please and pessimistic about everything.
When speaking to a green, give them the facts and figures. You cannot overload a green with information.
And finally the Reds. Reds make up 15% of the population. Reds are direct and self-contained with their feelings. Reds are right brained. Their slogan is “It’s my way or the highway” Forceful, stern and to the point. No chitchat, money is power, take action. Task orientated, Impatient, un-teachable, show me the money.
Their jobs consist of being CEO’s, Attorneys, military leaders, and president of the bank.
Reds do not like losing control, indecision, small talk or crying. They don’t like talking about time freedom, family or vacations.
Some of their weaknesses are having a big ego, domineering and un-teachable.
When you talk to a red you need to let them think you need them. They like being sold, close them, focus on money, and stroke their ego. Talk about your leaders income.
Now everything I just outlined about the different color personalities is not a judgment it’s who people are.
Just imagine if you had this information the next time you talked to a prospect? How do you think your next call would go?
Learn this skill so the next time you’re talking to someone and they say something in a certain tone or way or ask you a question. You’ll know exactly why they’re acting the way they are and why they are asking the questions they do.
Instead of taking things personally or getting frustrated, you’ll say to yourself “Hey you’re suppose to act like that or say that because you’re a green” (pick a color)
Master this one skill and your business life and personal life will skyrocket. Guaranteed!!!
Until Next Time.
To your success,
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