Tag: network marketing


So you want to be a millionaire?

Who doesn’t…

I come across so many people that say “I’m going to make a million dollars in network marketing”. I have conversations with people telling me how they’re going to become millionaires.

That’s great I’ll help you reach that goal every way I can.

But you know what?

Not everyone is going to make a million dollars in network marketing… and that’s ok.

Most people’s lives would change with an extra $500 or $1000 a month.

If you’re in network marketing the opportunity is here to become a millionaire.

let’s talk about that for a second.

To become a millionaire in network marketing is going to take lot of WORK.

Yes, you can do it in the shortest amount of time compared to other business opportunities but you still have to WORK…

But you work smart not hard.

And the cost for start up is minimal.

But it still takes WORK!! no matter how you cut it.

To become a millionaire in network marketing you’re going to have to do things differently.

What do I mean? One of my mentors Michael Dlouhy told me this.

“Duffy if you want more, you’re going have to become more”.

That made a lot of sense to me.

So what if you’re not going to make a million dollars a year in network marketing?

Look I’m not saying you’re not going to make a million dollars, but let’s say it’s not in the cards or that’s an amount you can’t relate to. (Lots of people can’t relate to earning that kind of money)

How much do you make now?

I’ll go with the average and say $30,000. Everything is ok, sometimes it’s a struggle but you get by, but things could be better.

Imagine doubling your income. Can you imagine earning $60,000 per year?

Sure you can.

So if you didn’t make a million dollars a year but you’re making $60,000 in network marketing would you consider yourself a failure?


But let’s say your better at this then you thought and you’re earning $100,000 to $150,000 per year.

Would you consider yourself a failure?


Do you think you could have a pretty good life earning that amount each year?


Man if you’re earning that kind of money from network marketing. You’re winning trips, vacations, getting deals on conventions or even winning trips to your companies conventions, your winning shopping trips, bonus money, car programs, free product or services.

The things many people have to spend money on such as trips, vacations, products, services and cars. You’re could be getting them from your company for a lot less or even free, because of your ranking in your company.

The life you may want may be a lot closer then you think.

Tell me, if you made $100,000 to $150,000 per year in network marketing you’d be a very happy camper, yes?

Tell me you wouldn’t, I dare ya.

I believe in you!!

Until Next Time

To Your MLM Success



The “Networking” Part of Network Marketing

Networking is obviously an essential part of network marketing. Every successful network marketer knows this to be true. Although networking is such an intricate part of network marketing, the two terms are not synonymous. However there are many similarities. Both rely heavily on people skills. Both require people to confront their fear of talking to other people. Both carry with them the risk of rejection. Both also carry with them enormous opportunity. And to some people, both are considered dirty words.

Of course people that consider networking as something that is ‘not done’ don’t understand what networking is really about. The same can be said of people that think network marketing is something that is beneath them. Many people think of networking as a way to get connected solely for their own advancement in life. In that respect a person might feel that it is unethical or not noble to network. This line of thinking stems from the idea that advancement will always come at the expense of someone else, that success in life is a zero-sum game. These people often look at network marketing from the same perspective. They think of profiting from other people’s efforts as something that is negative and not fair to them. In reality, successful networkers will tell you that it doesn’t work that way at all. Networking doesn’t have to be at anybody’s expense and the business of network marketing doesn’t reward anyone for taking advantage of others. It actually rewards people for helping other people to succeed. In that respect it may very well be the most ethical business model in the world today.

A lot of the negativity around networking can be explained by the different types of networkers. Some can be considered ‘hunters’, moving in for a quick kill, after which they move out again. They often operate without regard of the other persons interest and because of this they will enjoy the fruits of success for only a limited period of time. Often it will not take long before people find out what’s really driving the hunter. Once they see that he or she is only looking after his or her own interests, their willingness to interact with this person will quickly evaporate. By contrast, truly successful networkers are often ‘farmers’ who spend a lot of time sowing and nourishing their relationships, instead of just focusing on reaping. They invest in their network, they energize their network. They use their network, but they never ever abuse their network! And their network knows this. A true networker will always keep the interests of others in mind. That’s why working with a true networker is so enjoyable. Networkers are often very likeable and as such people like to interact with them.

Networking is a skill that is essential to all businesses not just network marketing. Although network marketing differs in many ways from the more traditional forms of doing business, the importance of networking is just as prevalent. If not more so. A network marketer that doesn’t know how to network will be out of business in no time. Network marketing is first and foremost a people’s business and this implies that the ability to effectively work with people is absolutely critical. This is why successful network marketers are extremely adept at networking. Many have found out over time that developing this skill can pay off in many areas outside their network marketing business as well. Business owners who have started a home based business on the side often apply their enhanced networking and people’s skills in their traditional business with great success. For some network marketers this spin-off has earned them more money than the income from their network marketing business itself.

So whether you are in network marketing or in a more traditional type of business, don’t underestimate the importance of becoming an effective networker. And if you really want to master this skill you may find there is a lot to learn from good network marketers. So if you happen to know anybody that fits that description, try and benefit from their knowledge on the topic. It will surely help you network your way to success!


Network Marketing – Why is it so great?

If you’ve ever heard of Network Marketing, you’ve probably heard it said that it is essentially a people’s business. Some have also labeled it a people’s franchise because of the similarities between the business models of network marketing and franchising. Advocates of the industry name it as the ultimate people’s business and say there is nothing quite like it. People that are in network marketing will immediately respond positively to this.

One of the unique characteristics of the network marketing type of business is that every individual distributor is in business for themselves but never by themselves. They will always be part of a larger organization and the compensation models are designed in such a way that every person can count on some form of support from their upline.

It is no secret that fortunes can be made in this type of business and many have done just that. Of course this is not the majority of network marketers, but every individual distributor does have the same chances. Success or failure in network marketing is not dictated by politics, race, age, background or gender, but always by results. In that respect it is probably also the fairest business model in the world.

For many people however the true value of their home based business is not directly in the financial return. The lessons a person can learn while building his or her own network marketing business are truly priceless. Many people are totally transformed through the personal growth they experience as a direct result of their challenges in their MLM businesses. It forced them to get out of their comfort zones, grow, and in many cases become a better person.

So what is so unique about network marketing in this respect? Doesn’t every entrepreneur have to deal with challenges? The answer of course is: Yes, they do. And they also experience personal growth as a result from this. However there is a significant difference. Most entrepreneurs are self made and many of them learned their trade largely outside of formal education. Either they were taught by a family member, a mentor or perhaps they learned everything the hard way: by trial and error. Very rarely will you find an entrepreneur that has an extensive library of books and tapes on personal development. Most businesspeople don’t attend seminars and motivational trainings. They think it’s all a bunch of hype. While in some cases this can be true, there are many trainings and seminars that teach the principles of success better than any textbook found in business schools.

One of the great things about network marketing is that this type of education is built into the training systems of all good companies. There is no business on the face of the earth that places such a strong and direct emphasis on the importance of personal development as the network marketing industry. Many companies might argue that they spend a great deal of their budget on education; training employees and as such assisting them in personal development but in most cases what they are actually talking about is personnel development. Although the words are almost identical, their meanings are vastly different.

Network marketing is all about building people. It is probably the best school on the planet if you want to learn about what it takes to be successful in life and you don’t need rich parents or some kind of scholarship to enroll.

More info’s and free registrations (restricted to  pros), please join our live seminar



Network Marketing Home Business

Many people that think operating a business from home is glamorous, exciting, and filled with freedoms that you can never experience if you work for someone else. Without the obligations that come from reporting to an employer everyday and they then think the money is easily acquired. This article will look at both the positives and negatives of owning a home-based business.

An important part of working from home is letting others know you have a business and this is done through networking. Network marketing is not always easy for everyone. There are individuals who are very natural at talking with others and find it quite easy to be in a room full of strangers and talk about what they have to offer. Then there are those terrified of the idea of network marketing and would prefer to stay home and pay someone else to do this portion of the business for them. Network marketing does not have to be a horrible experience for you and you do not have to have a panic attack at the thought of attending one. When you prepare for network marketing and do not go in with your eyes closed, you will find that it will make an enormous difference in the productivity of your business. Network marketing can be beneficial in building a plethora of resources and contacts that you can have at your fingertips to propel your business forward.

Decide in advance how many people you want to talk to and do just that. If it is your first time, you may only want to talk to three people. Although once you are there, you will probably find yourself relaxing and notice that you came home with more than three contacts. Do not forget the business cards of the people you meet. In the excitement, you may forget their names. It is a good idea to jot down some relevant information on the back of the card to help you remember why or why not you like that particular contact.

In order for your home business to be successful, you have to make your presence known. You can do this through advertising and word-of-mouth. However, staying inside your protective home and never letting anyone know whom you are will not generate many clients or bring an increase in your profits. Go out, have coffee, and talk to others about your services. Walk into businesses that you think will profit from your services and let them know what you have to offer. If you have children in school, you can offer your services to the PTA or other groups that your child may be involved. Do not discount your sphere of influences because it is from this circle that your business will grow.

More info’s and free registrations (restricted to pros), please join our live seminar


I Know What Color You Are !!!

There are 4 color personality types. Red, Blue, Green and Yellow.

In a nutshell knowing what the different color personalities people have means you’ll understand people better then they understand themselves.

At this point this tells you nothing. No worries it didn’t mean anything to me when I first heard about personality colors. But man I wish I knew about this years ago, it would have saved me a ton of aggravation.

Everybody has a color type. And with that color type we act in a certain way. Certain things are important to us. We like to be talked to in a certain way. We like and dislike certain things.

Take me for example. Lets say you were calling me as a potential prospect.

What if you knew how I liked to be talked to? Knew what was important to me. Knew what I didn’t like. Knew what I liked. Knew if I was over sensitive. Knew if I needed support. Knew if I like to have fun.

Knew if I would be teachable. Knew if I was money motivated. Knew if I would be a leader. Knew if I was creative. Knew if I needed all the facts and figures…. I could go on and on.

What if you knew all this information and soooooooo much more about me after only talking to me (anyone) for only a few minutes and then gained more and more insight to me the longer you talked to me?

Do you think this would impact your business and your personal life in a positive way?

If I have to answer that for you…honestly click away and go play a video game you’re just wasting your time. (Sorry about that I had some guy tell me he saw no value in this. Gee no wonder he’s not achieving all the success he could be.)

But for everyone else who sees the power of this. Would you not agree you’d have an unfair advantage on everyone else?

I can give you a brief overview of the four different personality colors. There is much more to learn but this will give you a good idea of the power of knowing color personalities. (They’re in no particular order)

First there is Yellow. Yellow’s make up 35% of the population and are open and indirect with their feelings. They are the best at using both sides of their brains. They are relationship and family orientated, logical, analytical and teamwork is very important to them. Their voice is soft and gentle and speak in relaxed tones.

Yellows have jobs like teachers, social workers usually any nurturing job. They like giving back to others. They don’t like pushy people, aggressiveness, sudden change or animal cruelty.

Some of their weaknesses are. They are over sensitive, take things personally and will buy other peoples excuses.

Talk to a yellow slowly and relaxed and let them know they are appreciated.

Next is Blue (that’s me). Blues make up 15% of the population. Blues are open and direct with their feelings. Very right brained, talk fast, very creative, must have fun doing things. Strong on family and relationships, spontaneous and enthusiastic.

Blues have jobs like sales (of any kind), singer songwriter anything that is creative.

They don’t like not having fun they don’t like facts and figures or being sold.

Their weaknesses are being unorganized, scattered and poor savers.

When you talk to a blue focus on fun, talk about excitement. Never try to sell a blue.

Next is Greens. Greens make up 35% of the population. They are indirect and self-contained with their feelings. Right brained, very logical, and analytical. Precise and need to have all the facts and figures. They are savers. Organized, task orientated and accurate. Let’s get the kids to college. And they’re the best negotiators.

Some of their jobs include, engineers, accountants, CPA, professor. Anything to do with logic and reasoning.

They don’t like pushy people. Not having all the facts and figures. Not being on time, aggressiveness. Get depressed easily and are hard to please.

Some of their weaknesses are, they over analyze everything (to death). Hard to please and pessimistic about everything.

When speaking to a green, give them the facts and figures. You cannot overload a green with information.

And finally the Reds. Reds make up 15% of the population. Reds are direct and self-contained with their feelings. Reds are right brained. Their slogan is “It’s my way or the highway” Forceful, stern and to the point. No chitchat, money is power, take action. Task orientated, Impatient, un-teachable, show me the money.

Their jobs consist of being CEO’s, Attorneys, military leaders, and president of the bank.

Reds do not like losing control, indecision, small talk or crying. They don’t like talking about time freedom, family or vacations.

Some of their weaknesses are having a big ego, domineering and un-teachable.

When you talk to a red you need to let them think you need them. They like being sold, close them, focus on money, and stroke their ego. Talk about your leaders income.

Now everything I just outlined about the different color personalities is not a judgment it’s who people are.

Just imagine if you had this information the next time you talked to a prospect? How do you think your next call would go?

Learn this skill so the next time you’re talking to someone and they say something in a certain tone or way or ask you a question. You’ll know exactly why they’re acting the way they are and why they are asking the questions they do.

Instead of taking things personally or getting frustrated, you’ll say to yourself “Hey you’re suppose to act like that or say that because you’re a green” (pick a color)

Master this one skill and your business life and personal life will skyrocket. Guaranteed!!!

Until Next Time.

To your success,



More info’s and free registrations (restricted to  pros), please join our live seminar


How To Skyrocket Your Business With a Nework Marketing Builder

A Networkmarketing Builder? Yes, I will outline now step by step how you and your downline can use a “Networkmarketing Builder”, to create excitement and explode your easy home business, fast. Consider for a moment, the perfect automated recruiting and training system, that will work for you promoting any Network Marketing business or Ordinary Business.

A”Networkmarketing Builder” is a user friendly software for your PC that makes it simple and automatic for any network marketing business(es) you’re involved in.

You need a completely automated duplicable system anyone can use…

* A free E-mail Marketing Course

* A Free Networkmarketing Newsletter

* A Networkmarketing Builder

Let me first explain exactly why a “Networkmarketing Builder” is the perfect tool for you and your downline to build your business fast. Then I’ll get right to the strategies for success using less time and effort. I’ll insure you’re maximizing your efforts using the “complete” system for your PC while saving you valuable time. Time you need to “get away,” knowing your PC is hard at work for you. Spend this “time” with family, friends and for yourself.

Let me tell you  the “Secret of Networkmarketing Success”:


“The fortune is in the follow up!”

Did you know that you can automate the “Key” aspect of successful Network Marketing Online and GROW YOUR NETWORK, STARTING TODAY!

A “Networkmarketing Builder” can insure your success, as well as your organization, by providing the tool that will automate the “Secret of Networkmarketing Success”:


**Plus, you can provide this tool to your organization that will generate excitement, growth and cash! Not only for sales made through your own “Networkmarketing Builder” Web Store as a reseller, but cash from ALL orders your Associates and contacts make as well.**

**All while you and your downline are exploding your organization!**


More about “The Networkmarketing Builder”…

A “Networkmarketing Builder” can help you manage your contact database and keep in touch with automatic, personal and consistent follow up, because was originally designed specifically for the Network Marketing Industry.

The biggest problem we see in the Network Marketing Industry is people just don’t have enough TIME each day to build their business. So, they soon get frustrated and quit or move on to the next opportunity promising wealth and freedom, only to find out they have the same problem.

Not enough TIME to build their business!

There are a few keys to the beginning of a successful Network Marketing business.

*  First, above ALL else, you must get started right away. Procrastinating this step will nearly insure failure.

*  Second, realize people DO procrastinate and put decisions off. The first few times you contact a prospect the timing just might not be right. You simply MUST follow up and keep in touch consistently. This will insure when they’re ready you get in touch with them. Don’t miss the opportunity to recruit a player that decided to go with another company because he or she hasn’t heard from you.

This is where the problem comes in. People don’t have the time to follow up with prospects and their downline near enough to be REALLY successful.  You must make it easy for a new member to get started and duplicate your system!

E-mail and the Web are the answers! It costs you about $20 a month to send as much mail as you want; And $300 a year to host an entire web site The cost of phone calls and the postal service can be hundreds of dollars a month. Now, I would never recommend to forget the phone, fax, voice mail or snail mail. These are all part of building any successful business online and off-line and simply must be used.

* The third is a good consistent supply of pre-qualified leads for you and your downline.

This is a Networker’s dream come true! Because you can do it all with less than 15 minutes a day!

*  Copy your sales and training follow ups into “The Networkmarketing Builder”

*  Import your prospects and downline members

*  Then “The Networkmarketing Builder” does the rest for you, following up and keeping in touch for as long and as often as you want.


Imagine an automated system that delivers information to your potential customers and then follows up with them automatically over a preset number of days, weeks, and months. An automated system that nudges, inquires, follows up, reminds and answers questions for each and every contact in due course, over and over…

Having an automated system to send e-mail communication and follow up to your potential and existing customers will save you time and money. Maximize your marketing efforts, stay organized, and make more MONEY in less time.

Systematic follow up will insure all your prospects are walked step by step through your opportunity and your product line. They will receive the whole story a little bit at a time taking them by the hand right to the sign up. Keep telling them about the features and benefits you and your network marketing company can offer them until the time is right for them to join or you strike a chord.


What if you could AUTOMATICALLY…

*  Help train and motivate your downline members?

*  Follow up and keep in touch with your prospect ?

*  Contact your customer to remind them of their reorder cycles?

*  Get new recruits started off fast and started off right?

*  Import your coop leads and begin to further qualify immediately?

*  Make one file of your prospecting letters to send to your members so they can import it into “The Networkmarketing Builder” to begin building their business immediately?

Sounds great, but where will you get the sales letters to follow up with?

This is a fair question. But there are many resources to depend on. This is one reason you decided on network marketing in the first place right? The support of a company and your organization!

*  Contact your upline (often the letters you need are ready)

*  Find all your old sales letters and applicable outgoing mail

*  Work together with your upline and downline to assemble a series

*  Be sure to share your series with your members

*  Subscribe to our free Easy Home Business Newsletter,

“The fortune is in the Follow up”

You can use a “Networkmarketing Builder” to expand your organization, then resell it to your downline creating excitement and results right away. Encourage them to resell it to their new recruits as well and earn second level commissions.

Another important benefit is you can send new members one file to import into their “Networkmarketing Builder” that includes prospecting and training message series for your Networkmarketing all ready to go! This way, your Associates can simply plug new and old prospects or import leads directly into their “Networkmarketing Builder”. Then they automatically start sending sound consistent follow up in a timely manner. This will boost their sponsoring efforts and build excitement immediately!!

This is a powerful Networkmarketing tool. When a NEW Networkmarketing member joins, you can mail them a file to import into their new “Networkmarketing Builder” program that contains tons of sales letters, follow ups, training and more. They can customize them; then import their own contacts and new prospects into the “Networkmarketing Builder”, and start sending messages that sell the plan and your products. They can now keep in close contact with all their prospects and organization, automatically!

If you have an existing organization that’s even better, you have a built in prospect list and reseller force. Since it will be in their best interest, and yours, this is a win-win situation! Tell them how a “Networkmarketing Builder” can help build their business and organization while saving valuable time and money.

Even beginners can simply plug people into the “Networkmarketing Builder” and let their computer do the lion’s share of the work following up.

This would be perfect for your network marketing business!

Do you see the power with your own personal “Networkmarketing Builder” for your networking business and Associates?

Another very successful strategy is to coop your lead generation and put a system in place to divide up your leads into files and send them to your associates. Using the “Networkmarketing Builder” and participating in your coop lead generation system your downline has access to the perfect downline building system. They import their leads and start building their business right away.

The Industry is growing faster than any other time in our history but competition is fierce….


Imagine providing the marketing tool that almost guarantees your new and existing Networkmarketing recruit’s success. You can help them automate their follow up and lead management. This insures you and your downline are doing a TON of work, in just minutes a day.

They can import yours or the company’s pre selected messages right into the “Networkmarketing Builder” to grow their new business and yours. The “Networkmarketing Builder” automatically gets your new partner started off right and started off fast!

Don’t forget you earn commission on every order your downline and customers sell as well. The power of duplication at your fingertips. Your new recruits just plug their new and old prospects into their software and off they go sponsoring faster than ever.

Not only can it follow up with hundreds, even thousands of your prospects in a few minutes per day, but you can also …

<1> Send a training series over 12 months or more keeping your downline informed and motivated

<2>Advertise and mail a free “Networkmarketing training series.” Of course your information covers the benefits of your products and opportunity all right in the same series.

<3> Mail a “getting started fast” training series to all your new recruits.

Let’s review how much time you’re spending on your mail communication. Use minutes or hours in each blank.

1) Keeping customers posted on specials and new products per day_________

2) Following up with prospects requesting more information per day_________

3) Keeping track of your contacts and e-mail communication per day_________

4) Introducing a new product to your contact database per day_________

5) Motivating and training your employees and associates per day_________

6) Educating your customers and prospects per day_________

Total hours spent per day on these activities? >>>__________

Your cost ($$$$) ? _________

A “Networkmarketing Builder” affords you the opportunity to do much of this communication in minutes, not hours.


More info’s and free registrations (restricted to  pros), please join our live seminar

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