Tag: free style=”font-size: 12px;”> ebooks

How to Write a User-Friendly eBook
Right now, someone, somewhere will be embarking on the writing of an eBook. Why? Some do it to make some money; itís one of the easiest ways to start an online business.
Others do it to share information they may have for those in similar financial, social or medical situations; maybe you want to share how you beat cancer or how you got out of debt.
Whatever your reason, there are some basic rules to consider that will make the final product more professional and. So, let look at some of them.
Anyone that embarks on writing an eBook will undoubtedly have read many as well. You will know from this that you must write in an appealing way that maintains the readerís attention. After all, you want them to read ALL your eBook donít you? Plus, youíll want them to come back for more if you are building an online business.
There are many tricks you can use to keep your readersí attention.
Anecdotes give practical examples of what you are trying to explain. These give readers confidence that what you are saying really does work. They are also a great way of explaining complicated topics.
Images are also a powerful tool. They can make topics clearer and they will stick in a readerís mind longer than 5000 words of text. They also break the eBook up and give the reader ìmarkersî to parts that interest them.
Note-boxes or sidebars are also good for summarizing a point or providing additional information. Like images, they break the text up and make the reading experience more enjoyable.
Write in a conversational style so the reader feels that you are talking just to them. This way they feel that they are the only one benefiting from your information and that makes it more valuable to them.
Donít write long sentences or paragraphs. They become difficult to read and detract from the experience. Your eBook is more likely to be put down and not picked up again.
You should also change the length of your paragraphs and sentences so you donít send your readers to sleep. Blocks of text that are all the same length will lose the readerís attention and youíll be lucky of they are awake by Page 10!
We mentioned earlier the use of images as a way of breaking up text. It may be that you canít use images to any great extent; but there are other tricks.
A very powerful one is the use of numbered and bulleted lists. Even with the most basic of word-processing programs you can include different types of bullets and even use custom pictures as bullet icons. These make your topic easier for the reader to absorb and also to give them a mental break from blocks of text.
Finally, think about the design of your eBook. Select a font that’s easy to read, and stick to it. You may be tempted to change fonts as a way of trying to make it more interesting. Donít. All it does is confuse your readers and they will switch-off.
I recommend either one and a half or double line spacing. Spacing the lines too far apart make it difficult for the reader to track where they are. Too close makes it dull.
Also, choose a font size that is in proportion to the line spacing you are using. You can get away with a larger font (say 14 point) with 1.5 line spacing but 8 point will look weird. Experiment with different combinations to find one that suits you but remember – what looks OK on the screen may look dreadful in print. Think about how your readers are probably going to read the final eBook (most print PDF eBooks ñ the idea of the paperless world is myth!).
Lastly, add page numbers and a header to each page with the title of your eBook. Iíve lost count of the number of times I have been infuriated by the number of eBooks that donít have page numbers. Also, adding a title in the header is a good way of reminding the reader what they are reading and who wrote it. Donít overcrowd headers and footers but use them wisely to give branding to the eBook (your company name or web address if you sell online).
Most importantly, don’t forget to do a proper spelling and grammar check. You can even go to somewhere like elance.com and get someone to proof read it for you (for a fee). Itís worth it to end up with a credible eBook.
Like it or not, you and your topic will be judged by the standard of spelling and punctuation. Donít shortcut on quality for fear of some criticism. Itís better to find out before it is published.
That’s it! By following the simple steps above you have just written your eBook. All that is left for you to do is publish it online and get visitors to your website so they can read it. But those topics are a whole new ball-game and best left for another day.
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Ebooks Are Raking It In
Have you always wanted an unlimited income that you didn’t have to leave the comfort of your own home for? Have you ever thought about becoming a writer, and publishing books? Well, many people have become well-known authors, and have made quite a bit of money writing books, but it seems that even more are making a lot more money writing ebooks.
Ebooks can be a very valuable asset. Let me just list a few of the reasons why they have become so popular. First of all, paper books take what seems an eternity to get published, not to mention that it costs quite a bit of money in printing, and postage, and handling, and stuff. Ebooks do not have a publishing cost, plus ebooks are digital. They can be emailed to your client directly, or they can download the ebook from your website, giving them instant gratification, which everyone loves. They are also digitally stored, so you don’t have all kinds of books cluttering up your house.
Ebooks also stay there, on the internet, indefinately, if you will, making money for you, while you sit back, on the beach, contemplating what you will be writing your next ebook about. That’s right, you can just relax while your ebook sits on your website, making you money. Many people are just raking in the dough from ebooks today. But, you will need to use some tools (there are links on my website to access these tools) to make sure that there is enough traffic being directed to your site.
There are all sorts of ways to bring traffic to your site, like writing articles, (like the one written here), using autoresponders, and buying mailing lists. My mentors, whom I have links to on my website, offer many tools and tips for driving traffic to your site. One tip is to build the customers trust, by offering plenty of free stuff. Free PDF files are a hot item to offer for free, because people can pass them around freely, appealing to more of a mass market. And any computer with Adobe Reader, (which can be downloaded for free), can read these types of files.
PDF files are also considered valuable to search engines, thus making it easier for customers to find your site.
There are many other ways to get traffic to your site, and many other methods of making money online, but writing ebooks is one of the easiest, and most profitable ways. For more information, please go to my website, and check out my links. If you register with my site, I will send you some simply amazing reports, with tons of invaluable information, all for FREE! Go there now! Take the step, learn something new. Learn something proven to make money!
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Should EBooks be Part of Your Internet Marketing Strategy
Ebooks seem to have become a stable on the Internet. They’re given away, they’re sold and they’re used as promotion material. Isn’t time you considered whether ebooks should be part of your marketing strategy?
Ebooks have become and inseparable part of the new frontier of cyberspace. They are a great medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge. Each day the number of people accessing the Internet grows, causing the exposure of your ebooks to increase incrementally. It’s obvious why electronic self-publishing has become so popular so quickly.
Ebooks can assist small business website owners market their sites and in some cases even become a source of revenue. Having said that, let’s look at what makes ebooks so important and so unique.
“Ebooks have unique characteristics that printed books can’t match. For example, ebooks are relatively easy to produce and they can be inexpensive to produce. Just think about it: you don’t need a publisher, an agent, a printing press, offset film, ink, paper, or even a distributor. You just need a great concept, the ability to write it or to hire a writer, and the right software.
“Ebooks can be easily updated. As information changes, ebooks can be updated without a second print run. All you need is to go into your original creation and modify the text or graphics. Because of this flexibility, ebooks can change and grow as fast as you can type.
“Ebooks are convenient. You don’t have to go to a bookstore or search through endless titles at an online bookstore. All you have to do is download it from a website, and presto! It’s on your computer, ready to be read.
“Ebooks are interactive. This is one of the most unique and specific qualities that ebooks offer. You can add surveys that need to be filled out, order forms for customers to purchase your products or goods, sound and video that draw your reader into the virtual world of your ebook, even direct links to relevant sites that will expand your ebook outward. The potential is virtually limitless.
“Ebooks have a particular kind of permanence that other mediums do not possess. Television shows and radio shows air once, and then may rerun a few times. Ebooks remain on your computer for as long as your choose, and they can be read and reread whenever you choose to. They can even be printed out and stored on the shelves of your traditional home library.
“Ebooks have very low entrance barriers. You don’t need to go through the endless process of submitting your manuscript over and over again, and then once you land an agent, having the agent submit your manuscript over and over again. Nor do you have to shell out thousands of dollars for printing a self-published book. All ebooks require is a writer and appropriate software.
“Ebooks are great for Niche content. Ever wanted to find a book on a highly specific or niche product? Looking for tips on mouse killing? Good luck finding that in print. The costs are prohibitive and bookstores can’t afford the shelf space. But with an ebook, no shelf space is needed so even the most niche content can find a place on the Internet.
“You have creative control over your ebook. You don’t have to compromise with an editor or the publishing trends of the time. You don’t have to haggle with a designer or wait for copyedited galleys to arrive by snail mail. You are in complete control of the design and the text.
If you’re not convinced that ebooks are something you should consider click over to Google and search for ebooks. At last count there were over 70 million search results. Something with that kind of Internet presence is not something you want to miss.
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Make Money Selling E-books on EBay
To create a demand for your e-book at eBay, the easiest way would be to bundle it with another small physical product like a hard copy book or a DVD. You can do this by making a printed version of the e-book and binding it in a presentable folder.
Selling informative E-books on eBay could be very rewarding financially. However, many a people have tried to take advantage of this by selling other peopleís e-books or some other free e-books and have got into problems.
Many a people are also of the opinion that e-books should be freely available since many of them are already available for free. This situation has given rise to difficulties in selling e-books; however, this can be overcome easily.
Copyright issues associated with e-books have also been a center of discussion and scandal, as a result of which, eBay has taken some bold and relevant steps and modified its VERO (Verified Rights Owner) policy, making it more stringent. A copy of this can be found at https://pages.ebay.com/help/confidence/ia/protecting_intellectual_property.html.
Instead of getting into all the rigmarole of getting an e-book and trying to circumvent eBayís VERO policy to suit yourself, it is much easier to create your own information product of e-book. This can bring you better rewards by way of being
1. made for a particular niche
2. can have only required information
3. can be edited and tailor made as and when needed
4. no copyright violations
5. no competition (probably)
To create a demand for your e-book at eBay, the easiest way would be to bundle it with another small physical product like a hard copy book or a DVD. You can do this by making a printed version of the e-book and binding it in a presentable folder. The next step would be to take a digital photograph of the cover of the printed e-book along with the DVD and use it as the gallery picture in the Purchase-it-NOW auction page. Please include information in the sales page that the whole package can be downloaded if so required.
Another technique would be to get someone convert your e-book into an Audio-CD. This would enhance sales since both the digital and audio versions are being sold as a bundle.
These techniques are rarely used by e-book sellers on eBay and it is very powerful. Use it for better results. At the onset, this may seem to be complicated, but it is actually very easy to do, once you get the hang of it.
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Steal this Ebook
An ebook can be useful for those with an interest for decent search engine ranking. In order to please the search engines and acquire deep indexing, high relevance and top ranking, a lot of relevant content must be written (or copied)…
The hippie bible “Steal this book” was an anti-capitalism manifesto, widely remembered because of its creative and aggressive title plus its subvertive message.
Paper books like that one were not easy to steal, because of the guards in the bookstores and the costly effort of retyping, mastering, printing, binding and distributing. In the digital era you can get an ebook, crack or OCR it if protected, and copy-pasting it.
The main client for ebook-stealing tools are webmasters, in particular those with an interest for decent search engine ranking. In order to please the search engines and acquire deep indexing, high relevance and top ranking, a lot of relevant content must be written (or copied).
When I was into science there was a phrase “Publish or perish”, that expressed more or less the same. Quantity instead of quality. I guess most of us would like to have time to write short and juicy articles instead of Goog-friendly mumbo-jumbo.
Machine-writing is a relatively new activity. And I am not talking of simple copy-pasting, but a more sophisticated text-generation breed of specialized software. Some simple programs take a number of words and just mix them, like Ktumbler. Others can generate random English-like phrases, like the “Web Economy Bullshit Generator”, or sensible good English phrases by the thousand, like Phrase Generator in Synonymizer.
But phrases are not substitute for longer text, and many lazy or greedy webmasters are tempted to copy-paste from the web, which is easier and faster than thinking. A much criticized brand of website ranking systems, Cloaking, copies large amounts of relevant, well ranked text from the web, and shows it to the search engine spiders. In this way, they pretend to have more and better content than any other site. And the best of it, when the visitor is a human, they hide the stolen goods and show some innocent words. Cloaking refers to that ability, and it is achieved by IP detection and comparison with known spider data.
Finally, the synonymizing and text-mixing tools modify the original texts beyond recognition. Like facial surgery after committing a crime.
However, I am afraid that there is a little copyright issue… The problem is that nobody knows exactly what are the limits for automated text surgery.
To synonymize or otherwise disguise a source text is morally wrong, most of us would agree. But it has limits. If I say “My Kingdom for an equine”, or “After me, the big rain”, or “Let’s there be illumination”, you will understand that synonyms cannot be forbiden. There are also many situations in which overprotective legislation blocks creativity and innovation.
I am tempted to emulate Abbie Hoffman and discuss the morality of copyright and the whole issue of intellectual property. However, those are deep waters.
My point is that there is no established parameter to define plagiarism in texts. What if I substitute “2” for “two” and Goog for Google, as I do to avoid being noticed by them? And Yah for Yahoo, not to forget the pioneer?. Or if I change just one word in a phrase? What if I just mix the phrases in a text? Goog will probably still consider that the keyword density is correct for top ranking, minus a correction to account for the fact than the start of a file is more important than the end.
Many Plagiarism Detection services can compare any submitted text with a large library (mostly, the WWW) and decide if there is enough similarity with a certain source. They usually do not disclose their algorithm, but assure ìit comprises proprietary technologyî and ìdetects digital signature of the authorsî. A leader in this field says “Copyscape looks for pages containing sizeable chunks of identical text”. Nobody knows how that translates into numbers.
Google and the other search engines are against “duplicated content”, but they do not define it.
The availability of “text de-authoring tools” makes the intellectual property issue very blurry to any attorney willing to evaluate the existence of a crime. And as a collateral effect, the modified text will not be detected by the anti-plagiarism tools, which mostly search for exact text coincidences.
I started to examine some Plagiarism Detection sites, and I noticed that the better ones require some kind of a fee. Of course, it is not easy to compare a student term paper with the whole Library of Congress and the whole Web, plus the old Web Archives in the Wayback Machine. Others like Ferret are free and let you compare your file with another, but you need to provide BOTH files.
So, without hiding my condition of SEO Tool maker, I declare the need for a public algorithm that will establish if a text is the un-ethical or immoral or illegal derivative of a web source. It is necessary either for nailing plagiarists or to help writers and webmasters to define the limits for near-plagiarism and near-plagiarism devices
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